Please find the attachment(2023 fall. mp4) to watch zoom meeting record of "NCC-GCSP 2023 Fall Information Session for Graudate Program"
Thank you
We would like to inform you that the “Information Session for Cancer Graduate Program” will be held online to introduce the NCC-GCSP’s graduate program and to provide admission & departments (Cancer Control Population Health, Cancer AI & Digital Health) information to students preparing for the 2023 fall semester admission or any potential candidate for NCC-GCSP.
Please help us by sharing and spreading the event to those who are interested in attending the graduate program in health sciences.
○ Date
- Korean session: Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 12:00PM(GMT+9) ~
- English session: Thursday, March 30, 2023, 12:00PM (GMT+9)
○ Venue: Online(Zoom)
○ ZooM Meeting(URL or Scan The QR code in the poster!)
- URL:
- ID: 934 119 2082
- Password: 2023