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E Hwa YUN, R.N., Ph.D.(adjunct professor)
Faculty Appointment
(title, department)
Associate Professor, Department of Cancer Control and Population Health, NCC-GCSP
Chief of Cancer Risk Appraisal & Prevention Branch, National Cancer Center
Area of Expertise
Cancer Risk Appraisal & Prevention
Work Experience
An adjunct professor, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea; College of Nursing
Lecturer, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea; College of Nursing
Educational Background
1996, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea; Nursing, B. A.
1998, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea; Nursing, M.A.
2004, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea; Nursing, Ph.D.
Research Interests (Please place in paragraph form)
Dr. E Hwa YUN has been involved in the construction of cancer prevention related evidences for ’10 codes of conduct for cancer prevention’, which information have been provided for general population through National Cancer Information Center homepage ( Research interests of Dr. Yun include cancer related health behaviour or lifestyle, especially tobacco use in adolescent population.
International Collaboration
Member, Korean Nurses Association
Member, Korean Academic Society of Child Health Nursing
Member, Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion
Member, Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
2022 SCI-E Awareness of and practice toward cancer prevention recommendations: results of the Korean National Cancer Prevention Awareness and Practice Survey in 2021: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH. :~ (5.919)

2022 기타 Incidence, mortality and survival of gallbladder, extrahepatic bile duct, and pancreatic cancer using Korea central cancer registry database: 1999-2019: Annals of hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery. 26(3):220~228 (0)

2022 SCI-E Epidemiology of gastic cancer in Korea: Trends in incidence and survival based on Korea Central Cancer Registry data (1999-2019): JOURNAL OF GASTRIC CANCER. 22(3):160~168 (3.197)

2022 SCI-E The Positive Effects of Cancer Survivor Support Service on Distress in South Korea: A Nationwide Prospective Study: FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE. 9:769221~ (5.058)

2021 SCI-E A Comparative Analysis of the Perception of Cancer Patients and Healthcare Providers (Oncology Physicians, Nurses, Social Workers) in Support of Integrated Community-Linked Cancer Plans: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 18(21):11517~ (3.39)

2021 SCI-E Trends in Participation Rates of the National Cancer Screening Program among Cancer Survivors in Korea: CANCERS. 13(1):81~ (6.126)

2020 SCI-E Factors associated with psychological stress and distress among Korean adults : The results from Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 10(1):15134~ (3.998)

2020 기타 Cancer News Coverage in Korean Newspapers: An Analytic Study in Terms of Cancer Awareness: Journal Preventive Medicine & Public Health. 53(2):126~134 (0)

2020 SSCI Mothers’ Perceptions of Quality of Family-Centered Care and Environmental Stressors in Neonatal Intensive Care Units: Predictors of and Relationships with Psycho-emotional Outcomes and Postpartum Attachment: MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH JOURNAL. Online:Published (1.89)

2019 SCI-E Influence of new tobacco control policies and campaigns on Quitline call volume in Korea: TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES. 17:21~21 (1.889)

2019 SCI-E User characteristics of national smoking cessation services in Korea: who chooses each type of tobacco cessation program?: BMC HEALTH SERVICE RESEARCH. 19(1):14~14 (1.932)

2018 SCI Influences of Tobacco-Related Knowledge on Awareness and Behavior towards Smoking: JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE. 33(47):e302~e302 (1.588)

2018 SCI-E Towards smoke-free cars in the Republic of Korea: Evidence from environmental and biochemical monitoring of thirdhand smoke exposure in taxis: Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2018(16):11~11 (1.539)

2017 SCI-E Awareness of and attitudes toward human papillomavirus vaccination among adult men and women in Korea: 9-year changes in nationwide surveys: Cancer Research and Treatment. 50(2):436~444 (3.772)

2017 SCI-E Performance of urine cotinine and hypomethylation of AHRR and F2RL3 as biomarkers for smoking exposure in a population-based cohort: PLoS One. 12(4):e0176783~e0176783 (2.806)

2016 SCI Public Opinions on Disclosure of Tobacco components: Results of a Nationwide Cross-sectional Survey in Korea: Medicine. 95(27):e3852~e3852 (2.133)

2016 기타 Quitline Activity in the Republic of Korea: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 17:1~5 (2.514)

2015 SCI-E Scientific Evidence Supporting Policy Change: a Study on Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Non-smoking Areas of PC Rooms in Korea: Cancer Research and Treatment. 48(2):834~837 (4.245)

2015 SCI-E Consequences of Incomplete Smoke-free Legislation in the Republic of Korea: Results from Environmental and Biochemical Monitoring: community based study.: Cancer research and treatment. 48(1):376~383 (4.245)

2015 SCI Cohort Profile: Community-based prospective cohort from the National Cancer Center, Korea: International Journal of Epidemiology. Online:Published (9.176)

2015 SCI Factors Related to Relapse after 6 Months of Smoking Cessation among Men in the Republic of Korea: a cross-sectional study: Medicine. 94(29):e1180~e1180 (5.723)

2014 SCI Tolerance for and potential indicators of second-hand smoke exposure among nonsmokers: A comparison of self-reported and cotinine verified second-hand smoke exposure based on nationally representative data: Preventive Medicine. 67:280~287 (2.932)

2014 SCI Control of clonorchiasis in Korea: effectiveness of health education for community leaders and individuals in an endemic area: Tropical medicine & international health. 19(9):1096~1104 (2.302)

2014 SCI Staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization in a community-based population: a potential role in adult-onset asthma: Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 44(4):553~562 (4.324)

2013 SCI-E The Level of Tobacco-specific Metabolite among Non-smoking Lung Cancer at Diagnosis : A Finding from Case-Control Study: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 14(11):1~3 (1.271)

2013 SCI-E An Examination of National Smoking Cessation Clinic Program in the Republic of Korea:Socioeconomic Status and Age Matter: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 14(11):6919~6924 (1.271)

2013 SCI-E Policy effects of secondhand smoke exposure in public places in the Republic of Korea: Evidence from PM2.5 levels and air nicotine concentrations: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 14(12):7725~7730 (1.271)

2013 SCI-E Levels of Tobacco-specific Metabolites among Non-smoking Lung Cancer Cases at Diagnosis: Case-control Findings: Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. 14(11):6591~6593 (1.271)

2013 SCI-E Independent and supra-additive effects of alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and metabolic syndrome on the elevation of serum liver enzyme levels: PLOS ONE. 8(5):e63439~e63439 (3.73)

2013 SCI Cost and effectiveness of the nationwide government-supported Smoking Cessation Clinics in the Republic of Korea: Tobacco Control. 22(e1):e73~e77 (4.111)

2012 SCI-E Effectiveness of Interventions to Increase the Participation Rate of Gastric Cancer Screening in the Republic of Korea: a Pilot study: Asian Pacifc Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13(3):861~866 (0.659)

2012 SCI-E Factors Related to Cancer Information Scanning and Seeking Behavior among High School Students in Korea: ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL of CANCER PREVENTION. 13(4):1439~1445 (0.659)

2012 SCI-E Factors Related to Self-perception of Diet Quality among South Korean Adults: ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL of CANCER PREVENTION. 13(4):1495~1504 (0.659)

2012 기타 The association of socioeconomic and psychosocial factors with obesity in a rural community: 대한비만학회지. 21:18~28 (0)

2012 SCI-E Role of quit supporters and other factors associated with smoking abstinence in adolecent smokers: a prospective study on Quitline users in the Republic of Korea: Addictive Behaviors. 37(3):342~345 (2.085)

2011 SCI-E User Satisfaction as a Tool for Assessment and Improvement of Quitline in the Republic of Korea: Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 14(7):816~823 (2.579)

2011 SCI Clonorchis sinensis infection is positively associated with atopy in endemic area: Clinical and experimental allergy. 41(5):697~705 (4.195)

2010 SCI Combined effect of socioeconomic status, viral hepatitis, and lifestyles on hepatocellular carcinoma risk in Korea: British Journal of Cancer. 103(5):741~746 (4.346)

2010 SCI-E The role of social support and social networks in smoking behavior among middle and older aged people in rural areas of South Korea: A cross-sectional study: BMC Public Health. 10:78~78 (2.223)

2010 SCI Awareness of and attitude towards human papillomavirus infection and vaccination for cervical cancer prevention among adult males and females in Korea: A nationwide interview survey: Vaccine. 28:1854~1860 (3.616)

2009 기타 An analysis on restorative effect of landscape preference - Focused on traditional Korean Gardens: 한국전통조경학회지. 27:80~88 ()

2009 기타 Intervention effect on health efficacy and knowledge in cardiovascular health promotion behaviors in children: Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion. 26:97~113 ()

2009 기타 Patterns and interrelationships for meeting guidelines of physical activity, sedentary, and dietary behaviors in Korean adolescetns: 한국지역사회생활과학회지. 20:413~420 ()

2009 기타 The structural model analysis of landscape perception on Korean traditional garden: 한국전통조경학회지. 27:98~107 ()

2007 기타 Youth health risk behavior survey on adolescents in urban setting: 한국학교보건학회지. 20:11~24 ()

2007 기타 초기 청소년의 음주경험, 음주지식, 음주기대에 관한 연구: 대한간호학회지. 37:35~43 ()

2005 기타 학령기 아동의 심혈관계 질환 위험인자의 유병률: 예방의학회지. 38:366~372 ()

2004 기타 선천성 심장 질환 아동 가족의 복원 요인이 적응에 미치는 영향: 대한간호학회지. 34:1298~1306 ()

2003 기타 정신지체 장애인 가족의 강인성과 적응: 정신간호학회지. 12:107~115 ()

2003 기타 소아암 환아 가족이 인지한 사회적 지지가 적응에 미치는 영향: 아동간호학회지. 9:9~17 ()