Faculty Directory
- Name
- Hong Gwan SEO, M.D.,Ph.D.
- Faculty Appointment
- President, National Cancer Center Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy
- Area of Expertise
- Tobacco Control/Cancer Prevention/Cancer Screening/Cancer Policy
- E-mail
- hongwan@ncc.re.kr
- Work Experience
- 8th President, National Cancer Center (Present)
Director, National Cancer Control Institute (2011-2013)
President, Korean Association on Smoking or Health (2010-present)
Chairman, Smoking Cessation Clinic, National Cancer Center, Korea (2003-present)
Chairman, Smoking Cessation Clinic, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Seoul, Korea(1997-2003)
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Family Medicine and Community Medicine, Univ. of Massachusetts, MA. (1995-1996)
Chairman, Dept. of Family Medicine, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Seoul, Korea (1990-2003)
Research Fellow, Dept. of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea (1989-1990)
Resident, Dept. of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea (1986-1988)
- Educational Background
- Ph.D., Medicine/Pharmacology , Seoul National University (1995)
MPH., Public Health , Seoul National University (1991)
M.D., Medicine, Seoul National University (1983)
- Research Interests
- Tobacco Control
Cancer Prevention
Cancer Screening
Cancer Policy
- International Collaboration
- ITC(International Tobacco Control) Project with Canada Wataloo Univ.
- Achievements
2022 기타 Methods of the 2020 (Wave 1) International Tobacco Control (ITC) Korea Survey: Tobacco prevention & cessation. :~ ()
2022 SCI-E Factors Associated with Quit Intentions among Adult Smokers in South Korea: Findings from the 2020 ITC Korea Survey: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 19(17):10839~ (4.614)
2022 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2022: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 54(2):345~351 (5.036)
2022 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2019: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 54(2):330~344 (5.036)
2021 SCI-E Successful Smoking Cessation among Women Smokers Based on Utilizing National Smoking Cessation Service Type in Korea: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 18(12):6578~ (3.39)
2021 기타 Achieving the Goals of Healthy China 2030 Depends on Increasing Smoking Cessation in China: Comparative Findings from the ITC Project in China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea: China Cdc Weekly. 3(22):463~467 (0)
2021 SCI-E The Utilization of National Tobacco Cessation Services among Female Smokers and the Need for a Gender-Responsive Approach: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 18(10):5313~ (3.39)
2021 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2018: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 53(2):301~315 (4.679)
2021 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2021: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 53(2):316~322 (4.679)
2020 SCI-E Dual use of electronic and conventional cigarettes is associated with higher cardiovascular risk factors in Korean men: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 10(1):5612~ (3.998)
2019 SCI-E Attitudes of Korean smokers towards smoke-free public places: findings from the longitudinal ITC Korea Survey, 2005-2010: BMJ OPEN. 9(8):e025298~e025298 (2.376)
2019 SCI Prevalence of awareness, ever-use and current use of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) among adult current smokers and ex-smokers in 14 countries with differing regulations on sales and marketing of NVPs: cross-sectional findings from the ITC Project: Addiction. 114(6):1060~1073 (6.851)
2018 기타 Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI)와 담배 관련 지식 간의 상관관계: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S31~S38 (0)
2018 기타 흡연자의 국내 금연 지원 프로그램에 대한 인지도: 2016년 국제 담배규제 정책 평가조사(International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey_Korea) 결과: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S22~S30 (0)
2018 기타 흡연자의 금연구역에 대한 지지 및 흡연금지법 효과에 관한 인식의 변화: 2010, 2016년 국제 담배규제정책 평가조사 결과: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S39~S50 (0)
2018 기타 한국 성인 흡연자의 전자 담배에 대한 인지율, 사용률, 사용 행태 및 이에 영향을 주는 요인: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S11~S21 (0)
2015 SCI-E The importance of the belief that "light" cigarettes are smoother in misperceptions of the harmfulness of "light" cigarettes in the Republic of Korea: a nationally representative cohort study.: BMC Public Health. 15(1):1108~1108 (2.261)
2015 SCI What cigarette price is required for smokers to attempt to quit smoking? Findings from the ITC Korea Waves 2 and 3 Survey.: Tobaco Control.. Suppl 3:48~55 (5.933)
2015 SCI-E Correction: Gravely, S., et al. Awareness, Trial, and Current Use of Electronic Cigarettes in 10 Countries: Findings from the ITC Project. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014, 11, 11691-11704.: International journal of environmental research and public health. 12(5):4631~4637 (2.063)
2015 기타 Revision process of and expert committee composition for Korean national cancer screening guideline: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(4):277~283 (0)
2015 SCI-E The Economic Burden of Cancer in Korea in 2009: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 16(3):1295~1301 (2.514)
2015 SCI-E Discordance among patient preferences, caregiver preferences, and caregiver predictions of patient preferences regarding disclosure of terminal status and end-of-life choices.: Psycho-oncology. 24(2):212~219 (2.443)
2014 SCI-E Discordance between Perceived and Actual Cancer Stage among Cancer Patients in Korea: A Nationwide Survey: PLoS One. 9(5):e90483~e90483 (3.534)
2014 SCI-E Guilt, censure, and concealment of active smoking status among cancer patients and family members after diagnosis: a nationwide study: Psychooncology. 23(5):585~591 (4.044)
2013 SCI Delay to Curative Surgery Greater than 12 Weeks Is Associated with Increased Mortality in Patients with Colorectal and Breast Cancer but Not Lung or Thyroid Cancer: Annals of Surgical Oncology. 20(8):2468~2476 (4.12)
2013 SCI-E Factors Associated with Discontinuation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Korean Cancer Patients: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 14 (1):225~230 (1.271)
2013 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2013: Cancer Research and Treatment. 45(1):15~21 (1.962)
2013 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival and Prevalence in 2010: Cancer Research and Treatment. 45(1):1~14 (1.962)
2013 SCI Authors' response to: Efficacy of nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy.: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 120(3):374~374 (3.76)
2013 SCI-E The Association Between Perceived Social Support and Continued Smoking in Cancer Survivors: Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 43(1):45~54 (1.898)
2013 SCI-E Can Urinary Cotinine Predict Nicotine Dependence Level in Smokers?: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13(11):5483~5488 (0.659)
2012 SCI-E Predictors of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Cancer Care: Results of a Nationwide Multi center Survey in Korea: Evidence based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2012(2012):9~9 (4.774)
2012 SCI-E Costs During the First Five Years Following Cancer Diagnosis in Korea: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13:3767~3772 (0.659)
2012 SCI Efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation among pregnant smokers: a meta-analysis: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 119(9):1029~1039 (3.407)
2012 기타 Trends in Cancer Screening Rates among Korean Men and Women: Results from the Korean National Cancer Screening Survey (KNCSS), 2004-2011: Cancer Research and Treatment. 44(2):113~20 (0)
2012 SCI-E Cancer screening status in Korea, 2011: Results from the Korean National Cancer Screening Survey: Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev. 13(4):1187~1191 (0.659)
2012 SCI Efficacy of omega-3 fatty acid supplements (Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid) in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials: Archives of Internal Medicine. 172(9):686~694 (11.462)
2012 기타 Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival and Prevalence in 2009: Cancer Research and Treatment. 44(1):11~24 (0)
2012 기타 Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2012: Cancer Research and Treatment. 44(1):25~31 (0)
2012 SCI Metabolic syndrome in adult cancer survivors: a meta-analysis: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 95(2):275~282 (2.754)
2012 SCI-E Association of sociodemographic factors, smoking-related beliefs, and smoking restrictions with intention to quit smoking in Korean adults: Findings from the ITC Korea Survey.: Journal of Epidemiology. 22(1):21~27 (1.858)
2011 SCI Effects of vitamin treatment or supplements with purported antioxidant properties on skin cancer prevention: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: Dermatology. 223(1):36~44 (2.714)
2011 SCI Effects of Beta-Carotene Supplements on Cancer Prevention: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Nutrition and Cancer. 63(8):1196~1207 (2.553)
2011 SCI Effects of Selenium Supplements on Cancer Prevention: Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.: NUTRITION AND CANCER-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. 63:1185~1195 (2.553)
2011 SCI An Observational Study of the Korean Proactive Quitline service for Smoking Cessation and Relapse Prevention: Public Health Reports. 126(4):583~590 (1.083)
2011 SCI Effectiveness of pharmacologic therapy for smoking cessation in adolescent smokers:Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy(AJHP). 68(3):219~226 (2.219)
2010 SCI Coffee consumption and risk of prostate cancer: A meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies: BJU International. 106(6):762~769 (2.865)
2010 SCI Self-reported smoking and urinary cotinine levels among pregnant women in Korea and factors associated with smoking during pregnancy: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 25(5):752~757 (0.838)
2010 SCI Relationships between Household Smoking Restrictions and Intention to Quit Smoking among Korean American Male Smokers in California: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 25:245~250 (0.838)
2009 기타 The Factors Associated with Successful Smoking Cessation in Korea: 가정의학회지. 28(01:39~44 ()
2009 SCI-E Self-Reported Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke and Positive Urinary Cotinine in Pregnant Nonsmokers: Yonsei Medical Journal. 50:345~351 (0.784)
2009 SCI Effects of Web- and Computer-Based Smoking Cessation Programs: Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Archives of Internal Medicine. 169:929~937 (9.11)
2008 기타 Smoking-related Characteristics in Korean Adult Smokers: Findings from the 2005 International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey-Korea: 가정의학회지 2008 Nov; 29(11): 844~853. Nov; 29(11:844~853 ()
2008 기타 Psychometric properties of the Minnesota Nicotine Withdrawal Scale: a Korean version.: journal of Nursing Measurement.. 15:121~132 ()
2008 SCI Effectiveness of proactive quitline service and predictors of successful smoking cessation: findings from a preliminary study of quitline service for smoking cessation in Korea: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 23:888~894 (0.824)
2008 SCI Factors influencing attitudes to legislation banning the manufacture and sale of tobacco products.: Tobacco Control. 17:142~143 (3.277)
2007 기타 Smoking Prevalence and Habits of Physicians in Korea: a Mail Questionnaire Survey Conducted in 2000: 가정의학회지. Aug; 28(8):599~603 ()
2007 기타 우리나라 변호사 흡연율 및 흡연 형태 조사: 가정의학회지. 26:269~276 ()
2007 SCI Sociodemographic and smoking behavioral predictors associated with smoking cessation according to follow-up periods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of transdermal nicotine patches: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 22:1065~1070 (0.725)
2007 SCI Meta-analysis of studies investigating one-year effectiveness of transdermal nicotine patches for smoking cessation: American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 64:2471~2476 (1.935)
2007 SCI The comparison of two smoking biomarkers in various biological samples: Clinica Chimica Acta. 383:180~181 (2.328)
2006 기타 암의 조기진단을 위한 검진Ⅰ: 대한의사협회지. 49:439~448 ()
2006 SCI The Stages of Change in Smoking Cessation in a Representative Sample of Korean Adult Smokers: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 21:843~848 (0.65)
2005 기타 우리나라 변호사 흡연율 및 흡연 행태 조사: 가정의학회지. 26:269~275 ()
2005 기타 국내 흡연관련 폐암 소송에 있어서의 역학적 연구의 적용: 한국역학회지. 27:20~27 ()
2004 기타 금연의 최신요법: 대한임상건강증진학회 추계학술대회. 4:161~166 ()
2003 기타 해방 이후 우리나라 낙태의 실태와 과제: 의사학. 12:129~143 ()
2003 기타 요 중 니코틴 검출을 이용한 청소년 흡연 자가보고의 정확도: 가정의학회지. 24:375~383 ()
2003 기타 Prevalence and risk factors for erectile dysfuntion in primary care : results of a Korean study: International Journal of Impotence Research. 15:323~328 ()
2002 기타 한국 근대 사립병원의 발전과정 - 1885년~1960년대까지 -: 의사학. 11:85~110 ()
2002 기타 장수마을을 통해서 본 장수요인에 관한 연구: 인제대학. 23:355~371 ()
2002 기타 중년남성과 흡연: 대한임상건강증진학회지. 2:403~410 ()
2002 기타 神話 속의 醫學 - 그리스 로마 신화를 중심으로: 가정의학회지. 23:548~558 ()
2002 기타 의약분업 후 개원 가정의의 인식 변화: 가정의학회지. 23:721~728 ()
2002 기타 의사의 흡연율과 그것이 갖는 의미: 대한의사협회지. 45:685~694 ()
2002 기타 서울시내 일부 고등학생들의 흡연율 및 흡연행태: 인제의학. 23:383~391 ()
2001 기타 코콜이: 가정의학회지. 22:305~309 ()
2001 기타 조선후기 흡연인구의 확대과정과 흡연문화의 형성: 의사학. 10:23~59 ()
2001 기타 의사의 직업윤리: 대한의사협회지. 44:18~24 ()
2001 기타 가정의의 담배 경고문구에 대한 인식: 가정의학회지. 22:1503~1510 ()
2000 기타 금연을 위한 약물요법: 대한의사협회지. 43:184~190 ()
1999 기타 일본 인종론과 조선인: 의사학. 8:59~68 ()
1999 기타 정기건강검진의 역사적 변화: 의사학. 8:79~89 ()
1999 기타 두통 환자에서 뇌자기공명영상의 유용성: 인제의학. 20:385~393 ()
1998 기타 가정의학 전공의 수련의 현황 및 문제점: 대한가정의학회지. 19:376~381 ()
1998 기타 한의학과 양˙한의학 일원화에 대한 양의사의 인식도: 대한가정의학회지. 19:662~670 ()
1998 SCI A model for the efficient and effective enforcement of tobacco sales laws: American Journal of Public Health. 88:1100~1101 ()
1998 기타 주치의에 대한 인식도 전화 조사: 예방의학회지. 31:310~322 ()
1996 기타 식이섭취 양상과 혈중콜레스테롤치와의 관계: 대한가정의학회지. 17:861~868 ()
1995 기타 부종을 호소하는 환자의 특성에 관한 연구: 가정의학회지. 16:31~38 ()
1995 기타 주부 생활 스트레스와 부적응 간의 관계에서 심리사회적 대처 차원의 효과: 대한신심스트레스학회지. 3:21~37 ()
1995 기타 우리나라 의과대학생의 흡연실태 및 흡연과 금연에 영향을 미치는 요소: 가정의학회지. 16:157~172 ()
1994 기타 Captopril의 특발성 부종 조절 효과에 대한 연구: 인제의학. 15:637~642 ()
1994 기타 고혈압 환자에서 칼슘차단제의 부작용에 관한 시판후 조사: 임상약리학회지. 2:118~125 ()
1994 기타 우리나라 근대의학 초창기의 교과서들: 의사학. 3:49~56 ()
1994 기타 단식이 인체에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 가정의학회지. 15:1128~1140 ()
1993 기타 의학용어의 변화: 의사학. 1:59~65 ()
1993 기타 본태성 고혈압에 대한 저용량 captopril 일일 일회 요법의 치료 효과에 관한 연구: 인제의학. 14:555~560 ()
1992 기타 흉통의 원인과 임상소견에 대한 연구 - 일개 대학병원 가정의학과 외래 환자를 대상으로 -: 가정의학회지. 13:671~680 ()
1992 기타 개인용 컴퓨터를 이용한 환자교육 프로그램의 개발: 가정의학회지. 13:681~692 ()
1992 기타 한국 장내기생충 감염의 시대적 변천과 그 요인에 대한 관찰 - 1913년에서 1989년까지 -: 의사학. 1:45~63 ()
1992 기타 일부 건강식품 섭취 실태 조사 연구: 인제의학. 13:221~232 ()
1990 기타 가정의학지에 게재된 논문 분석 - 1980년 11월부터 1989년 6월까지 -: 가정의. 11:8~16 ()
1990 기타 일부 도시지역에서의 홍역 발생에 관한 역학조사: 가정의학회지. 11:20~29 ()
1989 기타 서울의대 학생들을 대상으로 시행한 의학교육에 대한 설문조사 분석 - 일차의료를 중심으로 -: 한국의학교육. 1:1~9 ()
1989 기타 가족주기별 스트레스량과 생활사건의 내용분석에 관한 연구: 가정의학회지. 10:1~11 ()