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Ran LEE, R.N., A.P.N., K.P.C., M.S.N., Ph.D

Ran LEE, R.N., A.P.N., K.P.C., M.S.N., Ph.D
Faculty Appointment
(title, department)
Assistant Professor, Department of Cancer control and Population Health, NCC-GCSP
Head Nurse at Nursing Department, National Cancer Center
Area of Expertise
Cancer Nursing & Coaching
Work Experience
Chager Nurse, Intensive Care Unit, Hallym University Medical Center, (Oct.1986 – Mar.1996)
Charge Nurse, Burn Center, Hallym University Medical Center, (Apr.1996 – Oct.1997)
Charge Nurse, Infection Control Unit, Hallym University Medical Center (Nov.1997 – Sep.1999)
Head Nurse, Breast Cancer Center, National Cancer Center (Oct.2000 – Dec.2007)
Time Instructor, Graduate School of Oncology Nursing, Chonbuk National University (Mar.2006 – Feb.2010)
Head Nurse, Department of Nursing Administration, National Cancer Center (Dec.2008 – Jan.2011)
Head Nurse, Endoscopy Center, National Cancer Center (Jan.2011 – Dec.2017)
Time Instructor, School of Nursing, Baeseok University (Mar.2011 – Aug.2015)
Deputy Chief, Department of Special Nursing, National Cancer Center (Jan.2017 – Dec.2017)
Head, Department of Nursing, National Cancer Center (Jan.2018 – Feb.2019)
Head Nurse, Department of Outpatient Nursing, National Cancer Center (Feb.2019 - Present)
Educational Background
ADN., School of Nursing, Chonbuk National University (1986)
B.A., Department of Korean Language and Literature, Korea National Open University (1991)
M,S,N., Graduate School of Nursing Science, Ewha University (2004)
Ph.D., Graduate School of Nursing Science, Ewha University (2019)
Research Interests
Dr. Lee Ran has an interest in cancer nursing, survivorship and coaching in the field of research. She developed a breast cancer patient education program and conducted a study identifying the effectiveness of the cancer patient education program. She also developed a ‘Breast Cancer Self-Help Group Volunteer Program’ to conduct a study to check the effectiveness of volunteer activities of self-help group for breast cancer patients in the field.
For the research in the field of cancer nursing, she developed ‘self-efficacy measurement tools for breast cancer patients’ and ‘knowledge measurement tools for breast cancer patients’, and the research was carried out using them.
Also, she has interest in coaching and leadership that she has 10 years of experience in life coaching and business coaching.
She is especially interested in emotional coaching and strength coaching, so she developed ‘strength coaching program’ as her doctoral dissertation and verified it’s effectiveness by applying it in the field. Most of her research focuses on program development and field application.
International Collaboration
Member, Korean Society of Nursing Science
Member, Korean Society of Adult Nursing
Member, Asian Oncology Nursing Society
Member, Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
Member, Korea Coach Association
2018 기타 Factors Influencing Managerial Competence of Frontline Nurse Managers J Korean Acad Nurs Adm. 24(5):435-444

2018 기타 Comparison of Life-Sustaining Treatment in Terminal Cancer Patients between a Cancer and Hospice Unit after Do-Not-Resuscitate Order. Asian Oncol Nurs. 18(4):198-205

2013 SCI-E Randomized Trial of Dyadic Peer Support Intervention for Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients in Korea. Cancer Nursing. 36(3):16-21

2012 SCI-E Symptoms and uncertainty in breast cancer survivors in Korea: differences by treatment trajectory. Journal of clinical nursing. 21(7-8):1014–1023.

2012 기타 Development and Validation of self-efficacy Scale for Self-Management of Breast Cancer(SESSM-B). Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 42(3):385-395

2012 기타 The Effects of a Comprehensive Education Program on Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Coping Style among Newly Diagnosed Patients with Breast Cancer. Journal of Korean oncology Nursing. 12(1):35-43

2010 기타 Development and Validation of a Knowledge Scale for Patients with Breast Cancer (KS-Br). Journal of Korean oncology Nursing. 10(1):59-67.

2010 기타 Symptom Clusters in Patients with Breast Cancer. Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.21(6):705-717

2008 기타 A review of research on the psychosocial interventions for the cancer patients. Korean journal of health psychology. 13(2):329-357

2008 기타 Post traumatic growth and related factors in breast cancer survivors.
The Korean Psychological Association. 13(3):781-799.

2008 SCI Depression in Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients: The Feeling of Burden As a Predictor of Depression. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 28(36):5890-5895

2005 SCI Korean version of the Caregiver Quality of Life Index-Cancer(CQOLC-K) Quality of Life Research. 14:899-904.

2004 SCI Cross cultural application of korean version of the EORTC, Breast-special QOL Questionare. Supportive care in cancer. 12:441-445.

2004 기타 A Study on Nurses' Education Performances for the Breast Cancer Patients after Surgery. Korean Academic Society of Womens Health. 5(2):1-18

2001 기타 A Clinical and Molecular Epidemiological Study on Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci Isolated from a Tertiary Hospital for a Year. Journal of Korean Society for Chemotherapy. 19(4):415-424