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Faculty Directory

Yeol KIM

Yeol KIM, M.D., Ph.D. (adjunct professor)
Faculty Appointment
(title, department)
Professor, Department of Cancer Control and Population Health, NCC-GCSP
Area of Expertise
Cancer Screening, Cancer Survivorship Care, Cancer Management Policy
Work Experience
Head, Division of Cancer Management Policy, National Cancer Control Research Institute (2013.4 – present)
Chief, Early Detection Branch, National Cancer Control Research Institute (2013.3 – present)
Physician of Center for Cancer Prevention & Detection, National Cancer Center Hospital (2007.7 – present)
Physician of Family Medicine Clinic, National Cancer Center Hospital (2009.5 – present)
Post Doc. Fellow, Department of Symptom Research, MD Anderson Cancer Center, U.S.A. (2011.12 – 2012. 12)
Chief, Hospice & Palliative care branch,National Cancer Control Research Institute (2010.04 – 2011.12)
Full-time Lecturer, Medical school of Cheju National University (2006.10 – 2007.8)
Director, Department of Family Medicine, Cheju National University Hospital (2006.02 – 2007.8)
Fellow, Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital (2005.05 – 2006.1)
Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2002. 04 – 2005. 04)
Resident, Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital (1999.03 – 2002.2)
Educational Background
M.D., Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea (1998)
Master of Public Health, Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2005)
Ph.D. course completion, Preventive Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2007)
Research Interests (Please place in paragraph form)
Dr. Kim has diverse experiences in cancer control and management field such as cancer prevention including smoking cessation and obesity control, cancer screening, cancer survivorship care and hospice palliative care. Recently main interest of his research is focused on guideline development ofevidence-based cancer screening and cancer survivorship care. Also he is interested in the research field on building a care model for cancer survivors and enhancing a quality of cancer screening.
International Collaboration
ITC(International Tobacco Control) Project with Canada Waterloo Univ.
2022 기타 Methods of the 2020 (Wave 1) International Tobacco Control (ITC) Korea Survey: Tobacco prevention & cessation. :~ ()

2022 SCI-E Factors Associated with Quit Intentions among Adult Smokers in South Korea: Findings from the 2020 ITC Korea Survey: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 19(17):10839~ (4.614)

2022 SCI-E Impact of COVID?19 on cancer screening in South Korea: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 12(1):11380~ (4.996)

2022 SCI-E Online information analysis on pancreatic cancer in Korea using structural topic model: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 12(1):10622~ (4.996)

2022 SCI-E Potential overdiagnosis with CT lung cancer screening in Taiwanese female: Status in South Korea: KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY. 23(6):571~573 (7.109)

2022 SCI-E Cost Utility Analysis of a Pilot Study for the Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 54(3):728~736 (5.036)

2021 SCI-E Risk-based prediction model for selecting eligible population for lung cancer screening among ever smokers in Korea: TRANSLATIONAL LUNG CANCER RESEARCH. 10(12):4390~4402 (6.498)

2021 SCI-E Assessment of the fear of COVID-19 and its impact on lung cancer screening participation among the Korean general population: TRANSLATIONAL LUNG CANCER RESEARCH. 10(12):4403~4413 (6.498)

2021 SCI-E Effectiveness of National Residential Smoking Cessation Program: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 18(18):9901~ (3.39)

2021 SCI-E Decreasing trends in thyroid cancer incidence in South Korea: What happened in South Korea?: CANCER MEDICINE. 10(12):4087~4096 (4.452)

2021 SCI-E Effectiveness of radiologist training in improving reader agreement for Lung-RADS 4X categorization: EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY. Online:Published (5.315)

2021 SCI-E Optimum diameter threshold for lung nodules at baseline lung cancer screening with low-dose chest CT: exploration of results from the Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project: EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY. Online:Published (5.315)

2021 SCI-E Guidelines for Cancer Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Korea: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 53(2):323~329 (4.679)

2021 SCI-E Public opinion on implementing the National Lung Cancer Screening Program in Korea: TRANSLATIONAL LUNG CANCER RESEARCH. 10(3):1355~1367 (6.498)

2021 SCI-E Feasibility of implementing a national lung cancer screening program: Interim results from the Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project (K-LUCAS): TRANSLATIONAL LUNG CANCER RESEARCH. 10(2):723~736 (6.498)

2021 SCI-E Korean colonoscopy screening pilot study(K-cospi) for screening colorectal cancer: study protocol for the multicenter, community-based clinical tiral: BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY. 21(1):36~ (3.067)

2021 SCI-E Sex Difference and Smoking Effect of Lung Cancer Incidence in Asian Population: CANCERS. 13(1):113~ (6.126)

2021 SCI-E Trends in Cancer Screening Rates among Korean Men and Women: Results of the Korean National Cancer Screening Survey, 2004-2018: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 53(2):330~338 (3.761)

2020 SCI-E Impact of Awareness of Breast Density on Perceived Risk, Worry, and Intentions for Future Breast Cancer Screening among Korean Women: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.761)

2020 SCI-E External validation and comparison of the Brock model and Lung-RADS for the baseline lung cancer CT screening using data from the Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project: EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY. Online:Published (4.101)

2020 SCI-E Variability in interpretation of low-dose chest CT using computerized assessment in a nationwide lung cancer screening program: comparison of prospective reading at individual institutions and retrospective central reading: EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY. Online:Published (4.101)

2020 SCI-E Trends in Cancer Screening Rates among Korean Men and Women: Results of the Korean National Cancer Screning Survey, 2004-2018.: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.761)

2020 SCI-E Implementation of the cloud-based computerized interpretation system in a nationwide lung cancer screening with low-dose CT: comparison with the conventional reading system: EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY. 31(1):475~485 (4.101)

2020 SCI-E Examining the effect of underlying individual preferences for present over future on lung cancer screening participation: a cross-sectional analysis of a Korean National Cancer Screening Survey: BMJ OPEN. 10(7):e035495~ (2.496)

2020 SCI-E Acceptance on colorectal cancer screening upper age limit in South Korea: WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY. 26(27):3963~3974 (3.665)

2020 SCI-E Online Information Exchange and Anxiety Spread in the Early Stage of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak in South Korea: Structural Topic Model and Network Analysis: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH. 22(6):e19455~ (5.034)

2020 SCI-E Lung Cancer CT Screening and Lung-RADS in a Tuberculosis-endemic Country: The Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project (K-LUCAS).: RADIOLOGY. 296(1):181~188 (7.931)

2020 SCI-E Coronary artery calcium severity grading on non-ECG-gated low-dose chest computed tomography: a multiple-observer study in a nationwide lung cancer screening registry: EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY. Online:Published (4.101)

2019 기타 국가 폐암 검진의 근거: Korean Journal of Health Promotion. 19(4):161~165 (0)

2019 SCI-E Attitudes of Korean smokers towards smoke-free public places: findings from the longitudinal ITC Korea Survey, 2005-2010: BMJ OPEN. 9(8):e025298~e025298 (2.376)

2019 SCI-E Development of Protocol for Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project (K-LUCAS) to Evaluate Effectiveness and Feasibility to Implement National Cancer Screening Program: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.363)

2019 기타 Breast Cancer Screening Participation of Women with Chronic Diseases in Korea: Analysis of the 2012 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 20(1):207~213 (0)

2018 SCI-E Increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adult cancer survivors: Asian first report in community setting: Cancer epidemiology. 58:130~136 (2.888)

2018 SCI-E Size-Specific Dose Estimation In the Korean Lung Cancer Screening Project: Does a 32-cm Diameter Phantom Represent a Standard-Sized Patient in Korean Population?: KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY. 19(6):1179~1186 (3.072)

2018 SCI Socioeconomic Inequalities in Colorectal Cancer Screening in Korea, 2005-2015: After the Introduction of the National Cancer Screening Program: YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL. 59(9):1034~1040 (1.564)

2018 SCI Socioeconomic Inequalities in Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening among Women in Korea, 2005-2015: YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL. 59(9):1026~1033 (1.564)

2018 SCI Socioeconomic Inequalities in Stomach Cancer Screening in Korea, 2005-2015: After the Introduction of the National Cancer Screening Program: YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL. 59(8):923~929 (1.564)

2018 SCI-E Radiological Report of Pilot Study for the Korean Lung Cancer Screening (K-LUCAS) Project: Feasibility of Implementing Lung Imaging Reporting and Data System: KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY. 19(4):803~808 (3.072)

2018 SCI-E Long-term survival of patients with thyroid cancer according to the methods of tumor detection: A nationwide cohort study in Korea: PLos One. 13(4):e194743~e194743 (2.766)

2018 기타 Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI)와 담배 관련 지식 간의 상관관계: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S31~S38 (0)

2018 기타 흡연자의 금연구역에 대한 지지 및 흡연금지법 효과에 관한 인식의 변화: 2010, 2016년 국제 담배규제정책 평가조사 결과: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S39~S50 (0)

2018 SCI-E Quality management of ultrasound surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma under the Korean National Cancer Screening Program: Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 37:245~254 (1.547)

2017 SCI-E Beliefs and Intentions to Undergo Lung Cancer Screening among Korean Males: Cancer Research and Treatment. 50(4):1096~1105 (3.772)

2017 SCI-E Stages of Adoption for FOBT and Colonoscopy Tests for Colorectal Cancer Screening in Korea.: Cancer Research and Treatment. 50(2):416~427 (3.772)

2017 SCI-E Patients’ Preferences for Primary Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Survey of the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in Korea: Gut and Liver. 11(6):821~827 (2.663)

2016 SSCI Associations of perceived risk and cancer worry for colorectal cancer with screening behaviour: Journal of Health Psychology. 23(6):840~852 (2.01)

2016 SCI-E Trends in Participation Rates for the National Cancer Screening Program in Korea, 2002-2012.: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(3):798~806 (4.245)

2016 기타 Feedback Survey of the Effect, Burden, and Cost of the National Endoscopic Quality Assessment Program during the Past 5 Years in Korea: Clinical Endoscopy. 49:542~547 ()

2016 SCI-E National Endoscopy Quality Improvement Program Remains Suboptimal in Korea: Gut and Liver. 10(5):699~705 (2)

2016 SCI-E Effectiveness of on-site education for quality assurance of screening ultrasonography for hepatocellular carcinoma.: Medical Ultrasonography. 18(3):275~280 (1.167)

2016 SCI The Influence of Gastric Cancer Screening on the Stage at Diagnosis and Survival: A Meta-Analysis of Comparative Studies in the Far East.: Journal of clinical gastroenterology.. 50(3):190~197 (3.163)

2015 SCI-E Responses to Overdiagnosis in Thyroid Cancer Screening Among Korean Women: Cancer research and treatment. 48(3):883~891 (4.245)

2015 SCI-E Trends in Cancer Screening Rates among Korean Men and Women: Results of the Korean National Cancer Screening Survey, 2004-2013: Cancer Research and Treatment. 48(1):1~10 (4.245)

2015 SCI-E The importance of the belief that "light" cigarettes are smoother in misperceptions of the harmfulness of "light" cigarettes in the Republic of Korea: a nationally representative cohort study.: BMC Public Health. 15(1):1108~1108 (2.261)

2015 기타 Intentions to Undergo Lung Cancer Screening among Korean Men: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 16(15):6293~6298 (2.514)

2015 SCI Perceived timeliness of referral to hospice palliative care among bereaved family members in Korea: Supportive care in cancer. 23(9):2805~2811 (2.364)

2015 SCI Health Behaviors of Cancer Survivors in Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey in Korea: Higher Alcohol Drinking, Lower Smoking, and Physical Inactivity Pattern in Survivors with Higher Household Income.: Medicine. 94(31):e1214~e1214 (5.723)

2015 SCI-E Relationship between Cancer Worry and Stages of Adoption for Breast Cancer Screening among Korean Women: PloS one [electronic resource]. 10(7):0132351~0132351 (3.234)

2015 SCI-E The Korean guideline for cervical cancer screening: Journal of Gynecologic Oncology. 26:232~239 (2.494)

2015 SCI What cigarette price is required for smokers to attempt to quit smoking? Findings from the ITC Korea Waves 2 and 3 Survey.: Tobaco Control.. Suppl 3:48~55 (5.933)

2015 기타 The Korean guideline for cervical cancer screening: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(5):398~407 (0)

2015 기타 The Korean guideline for colorectal cancer screening: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(5):420~432 (0)

2015 기타 The Korean guideline for breast cancer screening: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(5):408~419 (0)

2015 기타 The korean guideline for hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(5):385~397 (0)

2015 기타 The Korean guideline for thyroid cancer screening: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(4):302~312 (0)

2015 기타 Revision process of and expert committee composition for Korean national cancer screening guideline: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(4):277~283 (0)

2015 기타 The Korean guideline for lung cancer screening: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(4):291~301 (0)

2015 SCI-E Evaluation of the National Train-the-Trainer Program for Hospice and Palliative Care in Korea: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 16:501~506 (2.514)

2014 SCI-E Knowledge, Practices, and Perceived Barriers Regarding Cancer Pain Management Among Physicians and Nurses In Korea: A Nationwide Multicenter Survey: PLoS ONE. 9(8):e105900~e105900 (3.534)

2014 SCI-E Barriers to Cancer Screening among Medical Aid Program Recipients in the Republic of Korea: A Qualitative Study: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention / grant:none. 15(2):589~594 (1.5)

2014 기타 Home hospice palliative care service in Korea: Based on focus group interview: Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science Society. 25(1):37~52 (0)

2013 SCI Developing competencies for multidisciplinary hospice and palliative care professionals in Korea: Supportive Care in Cancer. 21(10):2707~2717 (2.649)

2013 기타 Colorectal Cancer Screening: Korean Journal of Family Practice. 3(2):139~146 (0)

2013 기타 Oncologist’s Expectations on Primary Physician for Sharing Care of Cancer Survivor in Korea: Korean Journal of Family Practice. 3:168~176 (0)

2013 SCI-E Can Urinary Cotinine Predict Nicotine Dependence Level in Smokers?: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13(11):5483~5488 (0.659)

2012 SCI Practices and predictors of 2009 H1N1 vaccination in cancer patients: a nationwide survey in Korea: Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 6(6):e120~e128 (4.157)

2012 기타 Symptom Management for Cancer Patients: The Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. 15(2):61~67 (0)

2012 기타 Prostate Cancer Screening: Korean Journal of Family Practice. 2(02):104~111 (0)

2012 SCI-E Oncologists Experience with Second Primary Cancer Screening: Current Practices and Barriers and Potential Solutions: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13:671~676 (0.659)

2011 기타 Hospice Care Trends and Reform in US: The Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. 14:1~7 ()

2011 기타 Analysis of Use of Government Support for Palliative Care Units in Korea: The Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. 14:212~217 (0)

2011 기타 Analysis of Smoking-Related Characteristics Over Time in Korean Adult Smokers: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Korea Survey: Korean Journal of Family Practice. 1:192~203 (0)

2011 SCI Effects of vitamin treatment or supplements with purported antioxidant properties on skin cancer prevention: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: Dermatology. 223(1):36~44 (2.714)

2011 SCI Effects of Beta-Carotene Supplements on Cancer Prevention: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Nutrition and Cancer. 63(8):1196~1207 (2.553)

2011 SCI Effects of Selenium Supplements on Cancer Prevention: Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.: NUTRITION AND CANCER-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. 63:1185~1195 (2.553)

2011 SCI An Observational Study of the Korean Proactive Quitline service for Smoking Cessation and Relapse Prevention: Public Health Reports. 126(4):583~590 (1.083)

2011 SCI Effectiveness of pharmacologic therapy for smoking cessation in adolescent smokers:Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy(AJHP). 68(3):219~226 (2.219)

2010 SCI Coffee consumption and risk of prostate cancer: A meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies: BJU International. 106(6):762~769 (2.865)

2010 SCI Diagnostic performance of CT, MRI, and PET or PET/CT for Detection of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Patients with Cervical Cancer: Meta-analysis: Cancer Science. 101(6):1471~1479 (3.771)

2010 SCI Effects of antioxidant supplements on cancer prevention: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: Annals of Oncology. 21(1):166~179 (5.647)

2009 SCI Effects of Obesity and Obesity-Induced Stress On Depressive Symptoms in Korean Elementary School Children: International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 55:322~335 (0.911)

2009 SCI Comparison of laparoscopy and laparotomy for management of endometrial carcinoma: a meta-analysis: International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 19:400~406 (1.932)

2009 기타 Satisfaction with stomach cancer screening in National Cancer Screening Program: Korean Journal of Health Promotion. 9:1~9 (0)

2009 SCI Green tea consumption and risk of stomach cancer: A meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies: International Journal of Cancer. 124:670~677 (4.734)

2008 SCI Effectiveness of proactive quitline service and predictors of successful smoking cessation: findings from a preliminary study of quitline service for smoking cessation in Korea: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 23:888~894 (0.824)

2007 SCI Sociodemographic and smoking behavioral predictors associated with smoking cessation according to follow-up periods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of transdermal nicotine patches: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 22:1065~1070 (0.725)

2007 SCI A cheaper, faster way to resolve chronic cough: Journal of Family Practice. 56:641~646 (1.278)