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교수진 소개

Hong Gwan SEO

Hong Gwan SEO, M.D.,Ph.D.
Faculty Appointment
President, National Cancer Center Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy
Area of Expertise
Tobacco Control/Cancer Prevention/Cancer Screening/Cancer Policy
Work Experience
8th President, National Cancer Center (Present)
Director, National Cancer Control Institute (2011-2013)
President, Korean Association on Smoking or Health (2010-present)
Chairman, Smoking Cessation Clinic, National Cancer Center, Korea (2003-present)
Chairman, Smoking Cessation Clinic, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Seoul, Korea(1997-2003)
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Family Medicine and Community Medicine, Univ. of Massachusetts, MA. (1995-1996)
Chairman, Dept. of Family Medicine, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Seoul, Korea (1990-2003)
Research Fellow, Dept. of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea (1989-1990)
Resident, Dept. of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea (1986-1988)
Educational Background
Ph.D., Medicine/Pharmacology , Seoul National University (1995)
MPH., Public Health , Seoul National University (1991)
M.D., Medicine, Seoul National University (1983)
Research Interests
Tobacco Control
Cancer Prevention
Cancer Screening
Cancer Policy
International Collaboration
ITC(International Tobacco Control) Project with Canada Wataloo Univ.
2022 기타 Methods of the 2020 (Wave 1) International Tobacco Control (ITC) Korea Survey: Tobacco prevention & cessation. :~ ()

2022 SCI-E Factors Associated with Quit Intentions among Adult Smokers in South Korea: Findings from the 2020 ITC Korea Survey: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 19(17):10839~ (4.614)

2022 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2022: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 54(2):345~351 (5.036)

2022 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2019: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 54(2):330~344 (5.036)

2021 SCI-E Successful Smoking Cessation among Women Smokers Based on Utilizing National Smoking Cessation Service Type in Korea: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 18(12):6578~ (3.39)

2021 기타 Achieving the Goals of Healthy China 2030 Depends on Increasing Smoking Cessation in China: Comparative Findings from the ITC Project in China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea: China Cdc Weekly. 3(22):463~467 (0)

2021 SCI-E The Utilization of National Tobacco Cessation Services among Female Smokers and the Need for a Gender-Responsive Approach: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 18(10):5313~ (3.39)

2021 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival, and Prevalence in 2018: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 53(2):301~315 (4.679)

2021 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2021: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 53(2):316~322 (4.679)

2020 SCI-E Dual use of electronic and conventional cigarettes is associated with higher cardiovascular risk factors in Korean men: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 10(1):5612~ (3.998)

2019 SCI-E Attitudes of Korean smokers towards smoke-free public places: findings from the longitudinal ITC Korea Survey, 2005-2010: BMJ OPEN. 9(8):e025298~e025298 (2.376)

2019 SCI Prevalence of awareness, ever-use and current use of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) among adult current smokers and ex-smokers in 14 countries with differing regulations on sales and marketing of NVPs: cross-sectional findings from the ITC Project: Addiction. 114(6):1060~1073 (6.851)

2018 기타 Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI)와 담배 관련 지식 간의 상관관계: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S31~S38 (0)

2018 기타 흡연자의 국내 금연 지원 프로그램에 대한 인지도: 2016년 국제 담배규제 정책 평가조사(International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey_Korea) 결과: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S22~S30 (0)

2018 기타 흡연자의 금연구역에 대한 지지 및 흡연금지법 효과에 관한 인식의 변화: 2010, 2016년 국제 담배규제정책 평가조사 결과: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S39~S50 (0)

2018 기타 한국 성인 흡연자의 전자 담배에 대한 인지율, 사용률, 사용 행태 및 이에 영향을 주는 요인: 대한금연 학회지. 9(supplS1):S11~S21 (0)

2015 SCI-E The importance of the belief that "light" cigarettes are smoother in misperceptions of the harmfulness of "light" cigarettes in the Republic of Korea: a nationally representative cohort study.: BMC Public Health. 15(1):1108~1108 (2.261)

2015 SCI What cigarette price is required for smokers to attempt to quit smoking? Findings from the ITC Korea Waves 2 and 3 Survey.: Tobaco Control.. Suppl 3:48~55 (5.933)

2015 SCI-E Correction: Gravely, S., et al. Awareness, Trial, and Current Use of Electronic Cigarettes in 10 Countries: Findings from the ITC Project. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014, 11, 11691-11704.: International journal of environmental research and public health. 12(5):4631~4637 (2.063)

2015 기타 Revision process of and expert committee composition for Korean national cancer screening guideline: Journal of the Korean Medical Association. 58(4):277~283 (0)

2015 SCI-E The Economic Burden of Cancer in Korea in 2009: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 16(3):1295~1301 (2.514)

2015 SCI-E Discordance among patient preferences, caregiver preferences, and caregiver predictions of patient preferences regarding disclosure of terminal status and end-of-life choices.: Psycho-oncology. 24(2):212~219 (2.443)

2014 SCI-E Discordance between Perceived and Actual Cancer Stage among Cancer Patients in Korea: A Nationwide Survey: PLoS One. 9(5):e90483~e90483 (3.534)

2014 SCI-E Guilt, censure, and concealment of active smoking status among cancer patients and family members after diagnosis: a nationwide study: Psychooncology. 23(5):585~591 (4.044)

2013 SCI Delay to Curative Surgery Greater than 12 Weeks Is Associated with Increased Mortality in Patients with Colorectal and Breast Cancer but Not Lung or Thyroid Cancer: Annals of Surgical Oncology. 20(8):2468~2476 (4.12)

2013 SCI-E Factors Associated with Discontinuation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Korean Cancer Patients: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 14 (1):225~230 (1.271)

2013 SCI-E Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2013: Cancer Research and Treatment. 45(1):15~21 (1.962)

2013 SCI-E Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival and Prevalence in 2010: Cancer Research and Treatment. 45(1):1~14 (1.962)

2013 SCI Authors' response to: Efficacy of nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy.: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 120(3):374~374 (3.76)

2013 SCI-E The Association Between Perceived Social Support and Continued Smoking in Cancer Survivors: Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 43(1):45~54 (1.898)

2013 SCI-E Can Urinary Cotinine Predict Nicotine Dependence Level in Smokers?: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13(11):5483~5488 (0.659)

2012 SCI-E Predictors of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Cancer Care: Results of a Nationwide Multi center Survey in Korea: Evidence based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2012(2012):9~9 (4.774)

2012 SCI-E Costs During the First Five Years Following Cancer Diagnosis in Korea: Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 13:3767~3772 (0.659)

2012 SCI Efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation among pregnant smokers: a meta-analysis: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 119(9):1029~1039 (3.407)

2012 기타 Trends in Cancer Screening Rates among Korean Men and Women: Results from the Korean National Cancer Screening Survey (KNCSS), 2004-2011: Cancer Research and Treatment. 44(2):113~20 (0)

2012 SCI-E Cancer screening status in Korea, 2011: Results from the Korean National Cancer Screening Survey: Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev. 13(4):1187~1191 (0.659)

2012 SCI Efficacy of omega-3 fatty acid supplements (Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid) in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials: Archives of Internal Medicine. 172(9):686~694 (11.462)

2012 기타 Cancer Statistics in Korea: Incidence, Mortality, Survival and Prevalence in 2009: Cancer Research and Treatment. 44(1):11~24 (0)

2012 기타 Prediction of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Korea, 2012: Cancer Research and Treatment. 44(1):25~31 (0)

2012 SCI Metabolic syndrome in adult cancer survivors: a meta-analysis: Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 95(2):275~282 (2.754)

2012 SCI-E Association of sociodemographic factors, smoking-related beliefs, and smoking restrictions with intention to quit smoking in Korean adults: Findings from the ITC Korea Survey.: Journal of Epidemiology. 22(1):21~27 (1.858)

2011 SCI Effects of vitamin treatment or supplements with purported antioxidant properties on skin cancer prevention: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: Dermatology. 223(1):36~44 (2.714)

2011 SCI Effects of Beta-Carotene Supplements on Cancer Prevention: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Nutrition and Cancer. 63(8):1196~1207 (2.553)

2011 SCI Effects of Selenium Supplements on Cancer Prevention: Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.: NUTRITION AND CANCER-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL. 63:1185~1195 (2.553)

2011 SCI An Observational Study of the Korean Proactive Quitline service for Smoking Cessation and Relapse Prevention: Public Health Reports. 126(4):583~590 (1.083)

2011 SCI Effectiveness of pharmacologic therapy for smoking cessation in adolescent smokers:Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy(AJHP). 68(3):219~226 (2.219)

2010 SCI Coffee consumption and risk of prostate cancer: A meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies: BJU International. 106(6):762~769 (2.865)

2010 SCI Self-reported smoking and urinary cotinine levels among pregnant women in Korea and factors associated with smoking during pregnancy: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 25(5):752~757 (0.838)

2010 SCI Relationships between Household Smoking Restrictions and Intention to Quit Smoking among Korean American Male Smokers in California: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 25:245~250 (0.838)

2009 기타 The Factors Associated with Successful Smoking Cessation in Korea: 가정의학회지. 28(01:39~44 ()

2009 SCI-E Self-Reported Exposure to Second-Hand Smoke and Positive Urinary Cotinine in Pregnant Nonsmokers: Yonsei Medical Journal. 50:345~351 (0.784)

2009 SCI Effects of Web- and Computer-Based Smoking Cessation Programs: Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Archives of Internal Medicine. 169:929~937 (9.11)

2008 기타 Smoking-related Characteristics in Korean Adult Smokers: Findings from the 2005 International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey-Korea: 가정의학회지 2008 Nov; 29(11): 844~853. Nov; 29(11:844~853 ()

2008 기타 Psychometric properties of the Minnesota Nicotine Withdrawal Scale: a Korean version.: journal of Nursing Measurement.. 15:121~132 ()

2008 SCI Effectiveness of proactive quitline service and predictors of successful smoking cessation: findings from a preliminary study of quitline service for smoking cessation in Korea: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 23:888~894 (0.824)

2008 SCI Factors influencing attitudes to legislation banning the manufacture and sale of tobacco products.: Tobacco Control. 17:142~143 (3.277)

2007 기타 Smoking Prevalence and Habits of Physicians in Korea: a Mail Questionnaire Survey Conducted in 2000: 가정의학회지. Aug; 28(8):599~603 ()

2007 기타 우리나라 변호사 흡연율 및 흡연 형태 조사: 가정의학회지. 26:269~276 ()

2007 SCI Sociodemographic and smoking behavioral predictors associated with smoking cessation according to follow-up periods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of transdermal nicotine patches: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 22:1065~1070 (0.725)

2007 SCI Meta-analysis of studies investigating one-year effectiveness of transdermal nicotine patches for smoking cessation: American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 64:2471~2476 (1.935)

2007 SCI The comparison of two smoking biomarkers in various biological samples: Clinica Chimica Acta. 383:180~181 (2.328)

2006 기타 암의 조기진단을 위한 검진Ⅰ: 대한의사협회지. 49:439~448 ()

2006 SCI The Stages of Change in Smoking Cessation in a Representative Sample of Korean Adult Smokers: Journal of Korean Medical Science. 21:843~848 (0.65)

2005 기타 우리나라 변호사 흡연율 및 흡연 행태 조사: 가정의학회지. 26:269~275 ()

2005 기타 국내 흡연관련 폐암 소송에 있어서의 역학적 연구의 적용: 한국역학회지. 27:20~27 ()

2004 기타 금연의 최신요법: 대한임상건강증진학회 추계학술대회. 4:161~166 ()

2003 기타 해방 이후 우리나라 낙태의 실태와 과제: 의사학. 12:129~143 ()

2003 기타 요 중 니코틴 검출을 이용한 청소년 흡연 자가보고의 정확도: 가정의학회지. 24:375~383 ()

2003 기타 Prevalence and risk factors for erectile dysfuntion in primary care : results of a Korean study: International Journal of Impotence Research. 15:323~328 ()

2002 기타 한국 근대 사립병원의 발전과정 - 1885년~1960년대까지 -: 의사학. 11:85~110 ()

2002 기타 장수마을을 통해서 본 장수요인에 관한 연구: 인제대학. 23:355~371 ()

2002 기타 중년남성과 흡연: 대한임상건강증진학회지. 2:403~410 ()

2002 기타 神話 속의 醫學 - 그리스 로마 신화를 중심으로: 가정의학회지. 23:548~558 ()

2002 기타 의약분업 후 개원 가정의의 인식 변화: 가정의학회지. 23:721~728 ()

2002 기타 의사의 흡연율과 그것이 갖는 의미: 대한의사협회지. 45:685~694 ()

2002 기타 서울시내 일부 고등학생들의 흡연율 및 흡연행태: 인제의학. 23:383~391 ()

2001 기타 코콜이: 가정의학회지. 22:305~309 ()

2001 기타 조선후기 흡연인구의 확대과정과 흡연문화의 형성: 의사학. 10:23~59 ()

2001 기타 의사의 직업윤리: 대한의사협회지. 44:18~24 ()

2001 기타 가정의의 담배 경고문구에 대한 인식: 가정의학회지. 22:1503~1510 ()

2000 기타 금연을 위한 약물요법: 대한의사협회지. 43:184~190 ()

1999 기타 일본 인종론과 조선인: 의사학. 8:59~68 ()

1999 기타 정기건강검진의 역사적 변화: 의사학. 8:79~89 ()

1999 기타 두통 환자에서 뇌자기공명영상의 유용성: 인제의학. 20:385~393 ()

1998 기타 가정의학 전공의 수련의 현황 및 문제점: 대한가정의학회지. 19:376~381 ()

1998 기타 한의학과 양˙한의학 일원화에 대한 양의사의 인식도: 대한가정의학회지. 19:662~670 ()

1998 SCI A model for the efficient and effective enforcement of tobacco sales laws: American Journal of Public Health. 88:1100~1101 ()

1998 기타 주치의에 대한 인식도 전화 조사: 예방의학회지. 31:310~322 ()

1996 기타 식이섭취 양상과 혈중콜레스테롤치와의 관계: 대한가정의학회지. 17:861~868 ()

1995 기타 부종을 호소하는 환자의 특성에 관한 연구: 가정의학회지. 16:31~38 ()

1995 기타 주부 생활 스트레스와 부적응 간의 관계에서 심리사회적 대처 차원의 효과: 대한신심스트레스학회지. 3:21~37 ()

1995 기타 우리나라 의과대학생의 흡연실태 및 흡연과 금연에 영향을 미치는 요소: 가정의학회지. 16:157~172 ()

1994 기타 Captopril의 특발성 부종 조절 효과에 대한 연구: 인제의학. 15:637~642 ()

1994 기타 고혈압 환자에서 칼슘차단제의 부작용에 관한 시판후 조사: 임상약리학회지. 2:118~125 ()

1994 기타 우리나라 근대의학 초창기의 교과서들: 의사학. 3:49~56 ()

1994 기타 단식이 인체에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 가정의학회지. 15:1128~1140 ()

1993 기타 의학용어의 변화: 의사학. 1:59~65 ()

1993 기타 본태성 고혈압에 대한 저용량 captopril 일일 일회 요법의 치료 효과에 관한 연구: 인제의학. 14:555~560 ()

1992 기타 흉통의 원인과 임상소견에 대한 연구 - 일개 대학병원 가정의학과 외래 환자를 대상으로 -: 가정의학회지. 13:671~680 ()

1992 기타 개인용 컴퓨터를 이용한 환자교육 프로그램의 개발: 가정의학회지. 13:681~692 ()

1992 기타 한국 장내기생충 감염의 시대적 변천과 그 요인에 대한 관찰 - 1913년에서 1989년까지 -: 의사학. 1:45~63 ()

1992 기타 일부 건강식품 섭취 실태 조사 연구: 인제의학. 13:221~232 ()

1990 기타 가정의학지에 게재된 논문 분석 - 1980년 11월부터 1989년 6월까지 -: 가정의. 11:8~16 ()

1990 기타 일부 도시지역에서의 홍역 발생에 관한 역학조사: 가정의학회지. 11:20~29 ()

1989 기타 서울의대 학생들을 대상으로 시행한 의학교육에 대한 설문조사 분석 - 일차의료를 중심으로 -: 한국의학교육. 1:1~9 ()

1989 기타 가족주기별 스트레스량과 생활사건의 내용분석에 관한 연구: 가정의학회지. 10:1~11 ()