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교수진 소개

Geon Kook LEE

Geon Kook LEE, M.D., Ph.D. (adjunct professor)
Faculty Appointment
(title, department)
Professor, Department of Cancer Biomedical Science

Area of Expertise
Pulmonary Pathology
Work Experience
Director, Office of Public Relations and Collaboration(2014-present)
Head, Tumor Tissue Bank(2007-present)
Chief Scientist, Lung Cancer Branch(2007-present)
Educational Background
Ph.D., Seoul National University Graduate School of Medicine
M.S., Seoul National University Graduate School of Medicine
M.D., Seoul National University College of Medicine
Research Interests (Please place in paragraph form)
My research interests include molecular classification and molecular diagnostics in lung cancers, mediastinal tumors and esophageal cancers, and development of new biomarkers for the lung cancers.

I am also interested in ethical, legal and practical issues related to biorepositories, especially human tumor repository.
International Collaboration
Member, International Academy of Pathology
Member, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer
Member, Asia-Pacific Pulmonary Pathology Society
2021 SCI-E Long-Term Survival According to N Stage Diagnosed by Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: CHEST. Online:Published (9.41)

2021 SCI-E The Clinical Impact of Capmatinib in the Treatment of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with MET Exon 14 Skipping Mutation or Gene Amplification: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (4.679)

2021 SCI-E A fusion of CD63?BCAR4 identified in lung adenocarcinoma promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis: BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER. 124(1):290~290 (5.791)

2020 SCI-E Size and extranodal extension of metastatic lymph nodes in lung adenocarcinoma: JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE. 12(11):6514~6522 (2.046)

2020 SCI-E Phase II Study of Pemetrexed as a Salvage Chemotherapy for Thymidylate Synthase-Low Squamous Cell Lung Cancer: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (3.761)

2020 SCI-E First-iGAP: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Phase II Study of First-line Intercalated Gefitinib and Pemetrexed-Cisplatin Chemotherapy for Never-Smoker Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients: CLINICAL LUNG CANCER. S1525-7304(20):30143~1 (3.55)

2020 SCI-E A Determination Scheme for Quasi-Identifiers Using Uniqueness and Influence for De-Identification of Clinical Data: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND HEALTH INFORMATICS. 10(2):295~303 (0.659)

2019 SCI-E Fatal Simultaneous Multi-organ Failure Following Pembrolizumab Treatment for Refractory Thymoma: Clinical Lung Cancer. 19:30282~30287 (4.117)

2019 SCI The clinical impact of family history of cancer in female never-smoker lung adenocarcinoma: LUNG CANCER. 136:15~22 (4.599)

2019 SCI-E Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration for Re-biopsy in Previously Treated Lung Cancer: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. 51(4):1488~1499 (3.363)

2018 SCI EGFR and HER3 signaling blockade in invasive mucinous lung adnocarcinoma harboring an NRG1 fusion: Lung cancer. 124:71~75 (4.486)

2018 SCI Association of PD-L1 Expression with Tumor-Infiltrating Immune Cells and Mutation Burden in High-Grade Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Lung: Journal of thoracic oncology. 13(5):636~648 (10.34)

2017 SCI-E Incorporating Erlotinib or Irinotecan Plus Cisplatin into Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer According to EGFR Mutation Status: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(4):981~989 (3.772)

2017 SCI-E Randomized phase II study of afatinib plus simvastatin versus afatinib alone in previously treated patients with advanced nonadenocarcinomatous Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(4):1001~1011 (3.772)

2017 SCI-E Case of sclerosing pneumocytoma combined with a typical carcinoid and pulmonary adenocarcinoma in different lobes: Thoracic Cancer. 8(4):372~375 (1.116)

2017 기타 Molecular Testing of Lung Cancers: Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine. 51:242~254 (1.06)

2016 SCI Integrated genomic analysis of recurrence-associated small non-coding RNAs in oesophageal cancer: Gut. 66(2):215~225 (14.921)

2016 SCI-E Prognostic significance of venous invasion and maximum standardized uptake value of 18F-FDG PET/CT in surgically resected T1N0 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 43(2):471~477 (2.94)

2016 SCI-E A Phase II Study of Poziotinib in Patients with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)-Mutant Lung Adenocarcinoma who Have Acquired Resistance to EGFR-Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors.: Cancer Research and Treatment. 49(1):10~19 (4.245)

2016 SCI Prognostic Differences in Subgroups of Patients With Surgically Resected T3 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.: Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 102(5):1630~1637 (3.021)

2016 SCI-E Oncogenic function and clinical implications of SLC3A2-NRG1 fusion in invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung: Oncotarget. 7(43):69450~69465 (5.008)

2016 SCI-E ERCC1 expression-based randomized phase II study of gemcitabine/cisplatin versus irinotecan/cisplatin in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Cancer Res Treat. Online:Published (4.245)

2016 SCI-E MassARRAY, pyrosequencing, and PNA clamping for EGFR mutation detection in lung cancer tissue and cytological samples: a multicenter study: J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 142(2):2209~2216 (3.141)

2016 SCI-E Comparison of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations between Metastatic Lymph Node Diagnosed by EBUS-TBNA and Primary Tumor in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: PLOS ONE. 11(9):e0163652~e0163652 (3.057)

2016 SCI-E PNA clamping-assited fluorescence melting curve analysis for detecting EGFR and KRAS mutations in the circulating tumor DNA of patients with advanced NSCLC: BMC Cancer. 16:627 ~627 (3.265)

2016 기타 Association between the CpG island methylator phenotype and its prognostic significance in primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma: Tumor Biol. 37:10675~10684 (2.926)

2016 SCI-E Prostate Stem Cell Antigen Expression in Radical Prostatectomy Specimens Predicts Early Biochemical Recurrence in Patients with High Risk Prostate Cancer Receiving Neoadjuvant Hormonal Therapy: PloS one. 11(3):e0151646~e0151646 (3.057)

2016 SCI-E Comparison of EGFR mutation detection between the tissue and cytology using direct sequencing, pyrosequencing and peptide nucleic acid clamping in lung adenocarcinoma: Korean multicentre study: QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 109:167~173 (3.131)

2015 SCI Overexpression of BRCA1 or BRCA2 in prostatectomy specimens is predictive of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy: Histopathology. 68(5):673~679 (3.453)

2015 기타 Analysis of Mutations in Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Gene in Korean Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Summary of a Nationwide Survey: Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine. 49:481~488 ()

2015 SCI-E Therapeutic effect of anti CEACAM6 monoclonal antibody against lung adenocarcinoma by enhancing anoikis sensitivity: Biomaterials. 67:32~41 (8.402)

2015 SCI-E Complex renal cysts associated with crizotinib treatment: Cancer medicine [electronic resource]. 4(6):887~896 (2.5)

2015 SCI A nomogram to predict brain metastasis as the first relapse in curatively resected non-small cell lung cancer patients: Lung cancer. 88(2):201~207 (3.958)

2015 SCI-E Overexpression of ERG and wild-type PTEN are associated with favorable clinical prognosis and low biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer: PloS one [electronic resource]. 10(4):0122498~0122498 (3.234)

2015 SCI EGFR mutation testing practices within the Asia Pacific region: Results of a multicenter diagnostic survey.: Journal of thoracic oncology. 10(3):438~445 (5.282)

2015 SCI Phase I/II study of gefitinib (Iressa(?)) and vorinostat (IVORI) in previously treated patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology. 75(3):475~483 (2.769)

2015 SCI-E Clinical Likelihood of Sporadic Primary EGFR T790M Mutation in EGFR-Mutant Lung Cancer: Clinical Lung Cancer. 16(1):46~50 (3.104)

2014 SCI-E Whole-genome analysis of a patient with early-stage small-cell lung cancer: The pharmacogenomics journal. 14(6):503~508 (5.513)

2014 SCI Comparison of targeted next-generation sequencing with conventional sequencing for predicting the responsiveness to epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (EGFR-TKI) therapy in never-smokers with lung adenocarcinoma: Lung cancer. 85(2):161~167 (3.737)

2014 SCI Clinical outcome according to the level of preexisting epidermal growth factor receptor T790M mutation in patients with lung cancer harboring sensitive epidermal growth factor receptor mutations.: Cancer. 120(14):2090~2098 (4.901)

2014 SCI Genetic variations associated with postoperative recurrence in stage I non-small-cell lung cancer: Clinical Cancer Research. 20(12):3272~3279 (8.193)

2014 SCI-E Epigenetic silencing of the non-coding RNA nc886 provokes oncogenes during human esophageal tumorigenesis: Oncotarget. 5(11):3472~3481 (6.627)

2014 SCI miR-592 and miR-552 Can Distinguish Between Primary Lung Adenocarcinoma and Colorectal Cancer Metastases in the Lung: Anticancer research. 34(5):2297~2302 (1.872)

2014 SCI Genomic profile analysis of diffuse-type gastric cancers: Genome Biology. 15(4):R55~R55 (10.465)

2014 기타 Guideline Recommendations for Testing of ALK Gene Rearrangement in Lung Cancer: A Proposal of the Korean Cardiopulmonary Pathology Study Group.: Korean journal of pathology. 48(1):1~9 (0)

2013 SCI EBUS-centred versus EUS-centred mediastinal staging in lung cancer: a randomised controlled trial: Thorax. 69(3):261~268 (8.562)

2013 SCI-E Clinical significance of heterogeneity in response to retreatment with epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with lung cancer acquiring secondary resistance to the drug: Cinical lung cancer. 15(2):145~151 (3.22)

2013 SCI Post-progression survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer with clinically acquired resistance to gefitinib: Journal of Korean medical science. 28(11):1595~1602 (1.249)

2013 SCI Impact of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors versus chemotherapy on the development of leptomeningeal metastasis in never smokers with advanced adenocarcinoma of the lung.: Journal of neurooncology. 115(1):95~101 (3.115)

2013 SCI-E Effects of upconversion nanoparticles on polymerase chain reaction.: PLoS One. 8(9):e73408~e73408 (3.73)

2013 SCI-E Pathway-Based Analysis Using Genome-wide Association Data from a Korean Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Study: PLoS One. 8(6):e65396~e65396 (3.73)

2013 기타 MALDI MS Profiles Distinguish ER-Negative Breast Cancers from Lung Adenocarcinoma: Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics. 2013:S6~S6 (0)

2013 SCI-E Guideline Recommendations for EGFR Mutation Testing in Lung Cancer: Proposal of the Korean Cardiopulmonary Pathology Study Group.: Korean J Pathol. 47:100~106 (0.174)

2012 SCI Lipid MALDI profile classifies non-small cell lung cancers according to the histologic type: Lung cancer. 76(2):197~203 (3.434)

2012 기타 A Case of Capecitabine-Induced Sarcoidosis: Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. 72(3):318~322 (0)

2012 SCI-E Anti-adhesive functions of CD43 expressed on colon carcinoma cells through the modulation of integrins.: Experimental and Molecular Pathology. 92(1):82~89 (2.425)

2012 SCI Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry reveals decreased calcylcin expression in small cell lung cancer: Pathology International. 62(1):28~35 (1.624)

2011 SCI Human papillomavirus in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas in korea: Use of G1 cycle markers as new prognosticators.: Head & Neck. Online:Published (2.182)

2011 SCI Comparison of clinical outcome of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer harbouring epidermal growth factor receptor exon 19 or exon 21 mutations.: Journal of clinical pathology. 64(11):947~952 (2.475)

2011 SCI Circulating cell-free DNA in plasma of never smokers with advanced lung adenocarcinoma receiving gefitinib or standard chemotherapy as first-line therapy.: Clin Cancer Res. 17(16):5179~87 (7.338)

2011 SCI DNA repair gene polymorphisms and benefit from gefitinib in never-smokers with lung adenocarcinoma: Cancer. 117(14):3201~3208 (5.131)

2011 SCI Tumor Necrosis as a Prognostic Factor for Stage IA Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 91:1668~1673 (3.792)

2011 SCI Downregulation of Spry2 by miR-21 triggers malignancy in human gliomas: Oncogene. 30(21):2433~2442 (7.414)

2010 SCI A Genome-wide association study reveals susceptibility variants for non-small cell lung cancer in the Korean population: Human Molecular Genetics. 19(24):4948~4954 (7.386)

2010 SCI Transbronchial and Transesophageal Fine Needle Aspiration Using an Ultrasound Bronchoscope in Mediastinal Staging of Potentially Operable Lung Cancer.: Chest. 138(4)::795~802 (6.36)

2010 SCI Prognostic value of single nodal zone metastasis in non-small-cell lung cancer.: European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery. 38(4):491~497 (2.397)

2010 SCI Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration in the diagnosis of lung cancer.: Lung Cancer. 70(1):51-6:51~56 (3.14)

2010 SCI Variation in TP63 is associated with lung adenocarcinoma susceptibility in Japanese and Korean populations: Nature Genetics. 42:893~896 (34.284)

2010 SCI Prognostic value of single nodal zone metastasis in non-small-cell lung cancer.: European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery.. 38(4):491~497 (2.397)

2010 SCI-E Association of SUMO-1 and UBC9 genotypes with tumor response in non-small cell lung cancer treated with irinotecan-based chemotherapy: The Pharmacogenomics Journal. 10(2):86~93 (4.398)

2010 SCI-E First-Line Gefitinib Treatment for Patients with Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with Poor Performance Status.: J Thorac Oncol.. 5(3):361~368 (4.547)

2010 SCI-E Desmoplastic fibroma with malignant transformation.: Annals of diagnostic pathology. 14(1):50~55 (1.128)

2009 SCI-E Transoesophageal needle aspiration using a convex probe ultrasonic bronchoscope: Respirology. 14(6):843~849 (1.849)

2009 SCI Vaccination with recombinant adenoviruses and dendritic cells expressing prostate-specific antigens is effective in eliciting CTL and suppresses tumor growth in the experimental prostate cancer.: Prostate. 69(9):938~948 (3.069)

2009 SCI Application of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration following integrated PET/CT in mediastinal staging of potentially operable non-small cell lung cancer: Chest. 135(5):1280~7 (5.154)

2009 SCI-E Human immunodeficiency virus-negative plasmablastic lymphoma in Korea: Leukemia and Lymphoma. 50(4):582~587 (1.939)

2009 기타 Gastric Metastasis of Primary Lung Adenocarcinoma Mistaken for Primary Gastric Cancer: 결핵 및 호흡기학회지. 66:52~57 ()

2009 SCI Metastasis within the stomach from esophageal cancer after surgery: computed tomography findings in 6 patients.: J Comput Assist Tomogr. 33(1):113~118 (1.448)

2008 SCI-E Identification of immunohistochemical factors that predict the synchronous or metachronous development of bladder tumors in patients with upper urinary tract tumors: Urologia Internationalis. 81:306~311 (0.82)

2008 SCI Association of p53 codon 72 polymorphism and MDM2 SNP309 with clinical outcome of advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Cancer. 113:799~807 (4.632)

2008 SCI Adenocarcinoma of lung in never smoked children.: Lung Cancer. 61:266~269 (3.455)

2008 SCI Real-time endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration in mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer: how many aspirations per target lymph node station?: Chest. 134:368~374 (4.143)

2007 SCI-E Ewing's sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (ES/PNET) of the small bowel: a rare cause of intestinal obstruction: International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 22:1137~1138 (2.006)

2007 SCI Epidermal growth factor receptor status in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: Journal of Clinical Pathology. 60:881~884 (2.245)

2006 기타 Pathologic features of Korean prostate adenocarcinoma: Mapping analysis of 83 cases: The Korean Journal of Pathology. 40:204~209 ()

2006 SCI Detection of BRAFV600E mutation on fine-needle aspiration specimens of thyroid nodule refines cyto-pathology diagnosis, especially in BRAFV600E mutation-prevalent area: CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. 65:660~666 (3.412)

2006 SCI Epstein-Barr virus and human immunodeficiency virus-negative oral plasmablasticlymphoma.: J Oral Pathol Med. 35:382~384 (1.53)

2005 SCI Successful treatment of Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocyticlymphohistiocytosis with HLH-94 protocol: J Korean Med Sci. 20:209~214 (0.65)

2005 SCI Expression of caveolin-1 in pleomorphic carcinoma of the lung is correlatedwith a poor prognosis: Anticancer Res. 25:4631~4637 (1.604)

2004 기타 Functional and phenotypic characterization of cord blood-derived dendritic cells: The Korean Journal of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. 11:217~227 ()

2004 기타 Entry of lymphocytes into the brain and expression of ICAM-1 on the brain endothelium: The Korean Journal of Anatomy. 37:431~439 ()

2003 SCI Myeloid sarcoma of both kidneys, the brain, and multiple bones in a nonleukemicchild.: Yonsei Med J. 44:740~743 (0.628)

2002 SCI Main pulmonary artery stenosis caused by fibrocalcified mass in a young infant.: J Korean Med Sci. 17:560~563 (0.65)

2002 SCI Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, immunosuppression and pregnancy.: J Reprod Immunol. 57:143~150 (2.22)

2002 SCI Tryptophan deprivation sensitizes activated T cells to apoptosis prior to cell division: Immunology. 107:452~460 (3.507)

2000 SCI LFA-1- and ICAM-1-dependent homotypic aggregation of human thymocytes inducedby JL1 engagement.: Mol Cells. 9:662~667 (1.677)

2000 SCI Up-regulation and co-expression of fibroblast growth factor receptors in humangastric cancer.: JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 126:519~528 (2.503)