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[Seminar] International Cooperation Education Program (July 9)

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Dear Students,

As a part of International Cooperation Education Program,

NCC-GCSP holds seminars with global guest speakers to acquire the latest trends in cancer research.

This time, we are proud to invite  Dr. TRAN Thi Giang Huong, the director of  Programme for Disease Control, WPRO, WHO.

After the seminar, we will have a Q&A Session with the director Tran.  

We will appreciate your interest and participation.


National Cancer Center Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy

국립암센터 / National Cancer Center / 암 정복의 리더, 최초에서 최고로




주제 :  Strategic Framework for the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer in the Western Pacific Region 2023 2030


강연자 :

Dr. TRAN ThiGiangHuong


Director of Programmesfor Disease Control, WHO,

Regional office for the Western Pacific (WPRO),

Manila, the Philippines


일시 및 장소 :

2024.7.9(Tue) 15:00

Class Room 1009





Strategic Framework for the Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer in the Western Pacific Region 2023 - 2030